The Daily
Sip: When The Going Gets Tough,
The Tough Get Mindful
a saying (sort of) -- "When the going gets tough, the tough get mindful." You
may have noticed that when something you find important becomes urgent,
you muster the strength and energy to see it through.
a parent, nothing is more important than your child. And nothing is
more urgent than a circumstance that threatens your connection
to your child, be it a health issue or an interpersonal conflict.
when the going gets tough as it relates to our child, we really become
mindful. It is a special form of mindfulness that initially
zeros in on a limited field -- dealing with a disease,
or an accident, or specific turmoil and working to resolve it.
We become single minded. That focus is geared toward survival.
if the threat persists, the scope of mindfulness begins to
broaden as our awareness opens beyond the immediate. We begin
to realize just how important the little things are -- just how unimportant
so many other things are. These are the "wake-up-calls" many
of us will experience at some point in our lives. For many, there
is not much time in this world that follows the wake-up-call.
imagine that you have received a wake-up-call. Take a few minutes
to enact in your mind the scenario. Breathe deeply as
you experience this and observe how you feel. Visualize or sense
your child's presence. How does it change your moment to moment
needs, tolerance, and desires? Does it open your heart? This is a tool to open the doorway of mindful parenting.
wake-up-call, though imaginary, alerts you to what is really important
– wake-up-call or no wake- up-call.